California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Template

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Template

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The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) went into effect on January 1, 2020. This law has a lot of similarities to the Europen Union's General Data Protection Act (GDPR).

Under CCPA, any business that meets certain thresholds or guidelines must comply with CCPA. You must comply even if your business is not located in California. 

The CCPA is a supplemental part of the regular privacy policy. You can either include it within your privacy policy or have it separately on your site as its own legal policy.

***Note: If you purchased Privacy Policy or the Website Policy Bundle from me, the CCPA is already included with those, so don't purchase it separately.


The CCPA policy includes the following in it:

  • An editable .docx file, which you can download to your computer and start customizing
  • An instructional video that will walk you through the customization process and give you further tips for compliance 

This part's so easy and I am super excited about that!

So after you pay for the templates and check out, you're gonna have a download link to the products on that very page. Go ahead and click on those links and start downloading your products to your computer. 

It will open in a .docx format. You can save it to your computer, and start making edits to it by customizing it. The customization process is simple and fast. You will find instructions for what to write in brackets, either highlighted or in a different color from the rest of the text. 

Trust me, you won't have any issues with this part. 

Once you customized the template to your liking, the contract is now ready to be used. Depending on what kind of policy or contract you got, you either might have to upload it to your website, or just hold on to it so that you and another party sign it for your intended transaction.